01 noviembre, 2012

[Foppish]♥ novedades y regalitos!!

Jeans and shirt*Basic Outfit II* 1 L$ U.one Store Roupas

Riders Cardigan-{Pink}-BOX* new!!  [Foppish]

Skin* Alice - Bonus Haunted * new!! Hush

♥Riders Cardigan-{Pumpkin}* free! new group gift!  [Foppish]

♥Jeans*Skinny Piper* free!!  U.one Store Roupas

♥Skin* Alice - Bonus Haunted * new!! Hush

♥Hair*Rayanne:Autumn (all colours included) * free!! subscriber Exile

♥Soothe. Halloween Light*( intermitent)* new!! with Mesh and sculpture.
*This is blink on and off. You can decorate on your house and garden more for Halloween ASO!

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